I've written about Dubes Pond in Hooksett a couple of times before. (You can read a short piece I wrote for paddling.net last year) If you've never tried it, I highly recommend it for a good early-season or late-season paddle. By mid-summer, this shallow pond is sure to be choked with vegetation.
Basics: As you first set out from the launch, you'll see a water skiing channel (marked by buoys and flags). Don't be put off by this or you could miss a jewel of a pond. You'll soon lose sight and sound of the small water skiing area and will be drawn instead to some open water, small islands, and many marshy channels to explore. Watch for granite boulders throughout this 94-acre pond.
Wildlife: The heron rookery we saw two years ago appears to be gone, but we did see a heron, also several geese, ducks, turtles, and a number of fresh beaver lodges.
Special Notes: The area we launched from last year near the picnic table is now posted as private property. The adjacent public launch is a little rocky, but do-able. There are no public facilities here.
Directions: From Manchester, take Routes 3/28 north and turn right onto route 27. The boat access is on the left, just a little more than 2 miles beyond the junction with Bypass 28. You can drive up to unload your boat and then park across the road.