Be sure to add this place to your wish list and if it's already there, then I would recommend moving it to the top of the list -- don't wait two years like I did! Doug and I kayaked here mid-day on Saturday (during Labor Day weekend) and found the parking and boat launch busy. But once you’re out on this 235-acre pond, it almost feels like you have the place to yourself. There's plenty of water and shoreline to explore without feeling crowded. Apart from that, what makes Grafton so special?
First, the things it doesn’t have: motorboat traffic (gas-powered motors and those larger than 6hp are prohibited); road noise (no major roads nearby) and shoreline development (I counted only 4 houses). I learned afterwards that most of the land around the pond is protected by the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests. Thank you, SPNHF!
And now for some positive features that Grafton Pond does have : it’s dotted with many rocky islands, marshy inlets, and deep coves that invite exploration. Apparently, there’s good fishing for smallmouth bass, thanks to the pond’s underwater habitat. It’s fun to paddle around the islands, not sure what you might find on the other side. We didn’t go ashore, but we may do that next time.
Grafton also has abundant wildlife (according to the AMC guide), including a number of nesting loons. We saw a total of four loons, more than we’ve ever seen in one place. There was an adult pair and a mother and chick. We watched as the chick sat on the surface of the water, while its mother dove deep to catch fish; then she would surface and feed the chick. How cool!
We had a great time at Grafton Pond yesterday and will definitely be returning, maybe earlier in the day next time so we can spot more wildlife.
Things to Know Before You Go: The boat launch is shallow and easy. There's a parking area that accommodates about 15-20 cars and there's also one port-a-potty.
Safety: There are many granite outcroppings and fallen trees (true of all ponds this season), so be watchful. We also had to contend with a wind-driven current in open areas that got quite gusty at times.
Getting There: This is one time when the directions in the AMC Guidebook threw us off track. Here’s how we eventually got there: From southern NH, take 89-North to exit 17. Follow Route 4-East to 4A, which takes you past Mascoma Lake and through the town of Enfield. Take a left onto Grafton Pond Road (about 9-10 miles from exit 17). Follow this dirt road to the end, take a right and the boat launch is on your left.
P.S. We combined our paddle at Grafton Pond with a side trip to Saint Gaudens National Historic Site located about 20 miles away in Cornish, NH. Will post more on that later.